Tips to Maintain your Dental Health Throughout the Summer
​Summer is officially here! For many families, this means kids home from school, visitors, vacations, and a different daily schedule. Don’t let your family’s teeth suffer from the change in routine. Here are some tips to maintain your dental health during the dog days of summer:
Restock on Dental Supplies:
The start of summer is the perfect time to buy new toothbrushes, replace empty boxes of floss and stock up on toothpaste. If your summer plans include travel, stock up on trial sizes that are quick and easy to pack. The American Dental Association recommends replacing toothbrushes every three to four months.
The summer heat and increased activity level demand an increase in your fluid intake. Keep your mouth moist by drinking water throughout the day to wash away plaque-causing bacteria. Limit intake of soft drinks and sports drinks that can wear away the enamel. Lemonade, that beloved summer staple, is highly acidic and should be consumed sparingly. Rinsing the mouth out with water will wash away the acid and sugar before too much damage is done.
Avoid Summer Dental Dangers:
Don’t chew ice – As refreshing as a cool, icy drink is, resist the temptation to crunch the ice. Excessive ice-chewing can result in cracked and chipped teeth, damage to tooth enamel and problems with existing fillings and crowns. It can also become a habit which is hard to break.
Follow the “pool rules” – According to the Academy of General Dentistry, many summer dental injuries are due to a pool accident. Running on slippery pool decks, diving into shallow waters or bumping the pool ledge causes many children to either chip or knock a tooth loose. If a tooth is knocked out, keep it hydrated in water or milk and call your dentist immediately.
Keep your routine:
It’s easy to get off your routine during the summer. A more relaxed schedule, travel, sleepovers or summer camp are just a few things that can disrupt daily oral care. Although it’s not catastrophic to miss the occasional brushing, you don’t want your family to end the summer with a mouthful of unwanted cavities so be vigilant about maintaining a dental routine. Put together some dental travel kits for unexpected nights away from home. The kit should contain a toothbrush, toothpaste, bottled water, floss and a pack of sugar-free gum.
Travel tips:
If your summer plans include travel, be sure to take your dental insurance information, your dentist’s contact information and any dental devices, products or medications your family needs.
Beat the crowd:
Even if you don’t have kids, scheduling a dental appointment in the summer is more convenient because you can avoid the back to school rush that happens every August.
Town & Country Dental is here to address your dental needs anytime of the year!